New hard drive for imac model a1224
New hard drive for imac model a1224

It's not always current, but in the event that my Time Capsule and iMac were both lost or stolen I would at least have access to most of my data and the priceless photos of my kids. Every 1-3 months I make a new backup to this external hard drive. I personnally use a Time Capsule for a continuous backup, and also keep a copy of my data on a separate external hard drive that I keep in a safe location. Based on the model iMac you have it looks like your system has had a relatviely long life. Now to answer ' Friendly_help_seeker's.' Hard drives do wear out, so the best recommendation I can make is to make sure you always have a backup of your data. The same trend is reportedly true for drives with reallocated sectors. Google's hard drive study done several years ago backs this up, showing that drives with scan errors are ~10X more likely to fail than drives without errors. In my experience working with thousands of systems over the years I have found the SMART logs, and espeically the pending sector counts to be an excellent troubleshooting tool. If the SMART logs are clean then there may be other issues at play that may explain the slow performance. No tool is perfect, but If the SMART logs show a large number of pending or reallocated sectors then it's probably safe to say that read/write errors are a big contributor to the performance issues being reported by Friendly_help_seeker. SMART logs may not predict potential HDD failures with 100% accuracy,but they do provide a good picture of the hard drive's current health. Linc- I disagree with your opinion on SMART data.

New hard drive for imac model a1224